
Originally posted some time earlier. Recycled for maximum blog churn. – dp

Here’s my quick two-minute response to a friend’s Google+ query re: Google+:

The thing that intrigues me most about G+ is what you started right here: a conversation with people you’ve curated into a posse (for whatever reason).

A quick scan of this circle shows me only one person I know (hi Brian!) other than you, but because you’ve vetted this group (and I appreciate your taste) I’m interested in conversing with this round table of thoughtful, forward looking/thinking people.

I despise Facebook for its high noise/low signal nature. Can G+ reverse this ratio? If it can, I’m in.

That pretty much sums it up. >signal.

– dp

cross-posted from Google+

(UPDATE 6.7.2013) Google+ didn’t make the cut for my social media needs. Looks like that’s true for just about everyone (‘cept those who think Google Glasses are the future.)


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