6.1.2020 BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build / Start at the end.

6.1.2020 BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build / Start at the end.

The following is a pre-publication excerpt from NONFICTION BRAND—Discovering, crafting and communicating the ‘completely true / completely you’ brand—you already are. Keep your eyes out for its publication in early 2021. This is actually from the very last section of the book, which (of course) I wrote very early on in the process. – DP Knudten

Step out of the shadows,
and into your personal brand spotlight.

If you’re reading this, you’ve either skipped ahead or made all the way through the book to its end. Either way, congratulations. The arguments contained herein have hopefully convinced you to start putting yourself out there, all built on a well-considered foundation based on (say it with me) who you are, what you do, and how you do it.

Don’t forget, for the first time in human history, a whole worldwide audience can be yours, and for little or no cost. No longer constrained by financial budgets, you have the incredible opportunity to share your voice, ideas, gifts and talents in a way that can fully demonstrate the best you have to offer. All you have to do, is do. To get out there and show everyone who may (or may not) be listening the many reasons why you are truly unique.

I know this is hard for many. Standing up and having your say doesn’t come naturally to every human being. But one of the most interesting things to me is just how many of the very cool, super smart, and tremendously creative people I follow are self-described introverts. Based on the sheer number of them, it’s clear even the most cloistered introvert has so much to share that once empowered to do so, they just can’t stop.

It is my great hope that this book has given you both the gentle encouragement and the swift kick in the pants you need to stop letting others eat your lunch, and claim it for yourself.

You don’t need to be a narcissist. You just have to be yourself—with a little bit of strategy underneath it all so you don’t end up chasing trends, imitating others, or following the online herd. You have a voice, and many things to say, and now you have the global stage on which to share it. And best of all, most of it is absolutely free of charge.

So what’s your Key3? What Brandle have you provided your audience members so they can easily pass you off to others? And what’s your Flagship? I’m guessing, even if you haven’t done all the exercises in this book, that you’ve got a pretty good idea of who, what, where and how you’re going to share it all. And when you do, don’t forget to @ tag me (@dpknudten) so I can help amplify your signal. It’s your spotlight—now the time for you to take it. — dp

…and there’s much more to come.

BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build is just what it says: the writing I did today in order to get my book a little bit closer to its publication. Posted the next day, it is presented here exactly as written and complete with all the typos, misspellings and grammatical errors you’d expect of a rough draft. Don’t worry, it’ll be edited later. The above was written during a livestream video of BOOKWARD BOUND that you can find on my YouTube BOOKWARD BOUND playlist any time you’d like. – DP Knudten

@2020 DP Knudten LLC – all rights reserved.

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