Here’s an update to my BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build post of two days ago. As you’ll recall, I was writing about the power of podcasting, and wanted to use a quote I heard on the Pivot podcast from the brilliant Scott Galloway. I thought I’d never find it—but after speed-listening to about 30 old episodes, I found it and was able to transcribe it and drop it in the manuscript. Here’s the revised copy:
I love this quote from on one of my favorite podcasters Scott Galloway of Pivot and The Prof G Show—
“…if someone approaches me about something that I don’t know, I know which medium they’re approaching me about. If it’s someone who ‘high fives’ me and it’s sort of a bro romance, I know it’s a video.
If someone comes up and wants to share a moment and really look you in the eyes, it’s something they read that you wrote. And if somebody comes up to you and talks, speaks to you as if you’re their friend, and you don’t know them, it’s from a podcast. There’s something… the medium really is the message, and there’s something about the intimacy of being in someone’s ears where they feel as if they know you, and are forced to listen to you because they don’t have the distractions of visuals….”
-Scott Galloway, Pivot podcast, 10.18.2019
He really captured exactly the point I wanted to make, and his authority and credibility on the subject really adds to the credibility and value my book will be able to provide readers. I am soooo glad I found it, and able to share it with you.
One other important development yesterday was the introduction of a new title graphic card for the BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build livestream videos that features the book cover mocked up on an actual (virtual) book.

Love Easter Eggs? Enlarge the image as big as you can and read the blurbs on the front and back covers. They are placeholders only since the book hasn’t been finished, so no one’s been able to give me an appropriate blurb yet. – dp
…and there’s much more to come.
BOOKWARD BOUND / Daily Build is just what it says: the writing I did today in order to get my book a little bit closer to its publication. Posted the next day, it is presented here exactly as written and complete with all the misspellings and grammatical errors you’d expect of a rough draft. Don’t worry, it’ll be edited later. The above was written during a livestream video of BOOKWARD BOUND that you can find on my YouTube BOOKWARD BOUND playlist any time you’d like. – DP Knudten
@2020 DP Knudten LLC – all rights reserved.