People like P zzl  s.

People like P zzl s.

You see it all over the place, every day. Puzzles. Games. Invitations to engage/enrage/enrapture. Pattern recognition: it's fundamental to our very survival and has been hard wired into our brains since some upright hominid figured out that those patterns in the snow meant there was food on the hoof somewhere over that a way.    What are these strange things? An invitation to DINNER.   People really, really enjoy p z l s. And…
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Play the Opposite

Play the Opposite

The best actors do it all the time: Play the Opposite.   Let’s say you’re cast to be a psychologically terrifying super villain. The kind of blood chilling monster that’ll keep you up nights after seeing the movie.   Someone like this:      But someone even worse. The Joker was, after all, telegraphing his malevolence via makeup. This is no slam on Heath Ledger. His portrayal was magnificent. Easily the best comic übermeany…
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Brand is >.

Brand is >.

The thing about a shared language is that we all think we’re speaking about the same thing. And most times we are. Is it raining outside? Easy. How ‘bout dem Packers? A little harder to answer, but we all understand what you mean. But the word ‘brand’ has a myriad of definitions that can lead to minor misunderstandings at best and outright hostility at worst. So what do we actually mean when we bandy the…
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Ephemeral vs. Evergreen

  With Snapchat’s IPO garnering a lot of heat (but not necessarily light) both online and IRL, it’s a good time to step back, breathe deep, and ask one very important question for your brand or business:   What’s more important: Ephemeral or Evergreen? The three B’s—Budget, Bandwidth, and Brand Relevance—have long been the primary limiting parameters for any marketing campaign. The challenge has always been to balance all three to achieve the biggest brand…
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A winning recipe for blog casserole.

A winning recipe for blog casserole.

I received an email the other day that really got me thinking. Spencer X. Smith, you may know him as THE go-to guy for social media strategy, asked me about writing really engaging blog posts.   To be honest, I had never really thought about such things before. I just wrote them. But the question kept nagging at me. How do I actually do what I do?   No good writing follows a formula (possible…
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Show, don't tell.

Show, don't tell.

Deconstructing magic: Apple's 'Stroll' TV spot       Take a look at this TV spot. It's a great example of 'showing, not telling.' Now let's deconstruct it.   But first, why:   Arthur C. Clarke's third law stipulates that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." And he's absolutely right.     A maybe TRUE FAMILY STORY about the intersection of tech and magic.   My progenitor Sonck Knudten, a Danish ship captain…
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Gamification clarification.

Gamification clarification.

I originally wrote this in 2014, but am re-upping it now because it's truer than ever, and too many still aren't getting in the game.   At a recent client meeting I did what I often do: use a relatively obscure term that requires a level of 'get-it-ness' that has yet to fully penetrate the popular consciousness. That term is 'gamification.'   The easy definition? Take the techniques games use to delight their players, and apply…
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Context before concept

Context before concept

    Like any experienced creative type, I've got an unwritten list of rules that I alternately cleave to or break on a daily basis. One that proves surprisingly resilient is "Always understand the context before wasting time on the concept."   I was reminded of this maxim when I saw the maximum impact this creative concept had for the Swedish drug store chain Apotek Hjärtat back in 2014.   Apotek Hjärtat - Blowing in…
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Southeastern Guide Dogs

Southeastern Guide Dogs are more than just "dogs." Each starts out as a puppy that's one-part personality, and one-part potential, and 100% heart and hope. Meet Gibson: Meet Jackie: Meet two sweet puppies. Who are the sweetest puppies ever? You are. That's right, you are! Creative Director/Art: Richard Skiermont Creative Director/Copy: D.P. Knudten Agency: C•Suite Communications, Sarasota, Florida
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Noir Wars?

  So it's been announced that the director of the new Disney Star Wars film after J.J. Abrams's retool will be Rian Johnson. If you're like me, unable to see anywhere near as many movies as you'd like unless their Netflixed, the name may not ring a bell. But if you truly are like me, I really encourage you to do what I just did: watch Johnson's 2005 big screen debut Brick.   Why? Because…
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Have Keynote. Will travel.

People who know me well know I like to talk. Well, not talk so much as provoke. As in 'say something provocative, then surf the fallout.' I've taken this conversational modus operandi and turned it into four presentations perfect for holiday gift giving—or your next business gathering. Here's a brief look at each one:   BRANDTASTROPHE™ / How 'content' has the power to end your career—and what you can do about it. The word 'content'…
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Know your product. Your real product.

Know your product. Your real product.

My very first Creative Director (Hi, Brian!) once said to me one of those supposedly insightful but at the time mildly mystifying marketing sayings: "People don't go out to buy drills. They go out…to buy holes." After I mentally flipped him off and mumbled 'Whatevah, old man' (which was awkward as I was older), I began to chew on it. And have been masticating that cud ever since. It's like the saying 'have your cake…
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Be Here Never.

Ever since I first heard about Google Glass, I've been chewing on what it is that disturbs me so about this brave, new technology. There's something that's not right about it in my mind, but it has nothing to do with my feelings about the company producing it. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with the features and benefits involved. Anyone who's read William Gibson's Mona Lisa Overdrive or Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash can recognize the…
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In my Twitter feed today: Here is a wonderful video of a 40-year-old deaf woman hearing for the first time— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) March 28, 2014 Science did this. I like science. Do you? - D.P. Knudten
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Context before Concept.

Context before Concept.

Like any experienced creative type, I've got an unwritten list of rules that I alternately cleave to or break on a daily basis. One that proves surprisingly resilient is "Always understand the context before wasting time on the concept." I was reminded of this maxim when I saw this maximum impact creative for the Swedish drug store chain Apotek: Apotek Hjärtat - Blowing in The Wind from Ourwork on Vimeo. This is just so damn…
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iWhy no iTV?

People been harshing on my bro Apple for not living up to their expectations about an Apple TV that's not just a black puck that hooks up to a real TV. And they're claiming Apple's lost its innovative edge. Me, I think they're just doing what they've always tried to do: bake the whole cake before serving. Yes, I know about all the fill in the blank-gates (e.g., Antenna-Gate) and have to admit they are…
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Gamification clarification.

I had a recent meeting with a client where I did what I too often do: use a relatively obscure term that requires a level of 'get-it-ness' that has yet to penetrate the popular consciousness. That term is 'gamification.' The easy definition? Take the techniques games use to delight their players, and apply them to non-game entities and actions. Need an example? Try this: • Use of color and design to elicit visual interest and…
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Three chords + truth = (part II)

Three chords + truth = (part II)

Just a quick post about a song that's on perma-repeat in my iObsess list. It's stylistically pretty far afield from purebred country (like part I here) but the performer's pedigree in that genre is rock solid. I'm talking about Jennifer Nettles. Of Sugarland. And this: Woh. Jennifer Nettles x 2. Duh-ang. But the song, oh my lawd, what a great tune. The arrangement, the instrumentation, the fact that a guitar hack like me can solo…
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About my Zuckerbirthday.

All of you kind Facebook folks who wish me a "Happy Birthday" every January 1st need to stop. It's not that I don't appreciate the greeting (which I most certainly do, especially from those I haven't seen in decades) but…it's not actually my birthday. January 1, 1901 is my Zuckerbirthday—the bogus date I selected when I first signed up for Facebook a long, long time ago. Why? Because I'm a natural contrarian who doesn't like…
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Beyoncé zags.

Big news today: Beyoncé dropped a new album Bigger news today: the way Beyoncé dropped her new album. Now we all know Beyoncé is a force of nature that demands attention. And she's getting it. But the cool thing about this (to me) is that the lady (and her marketing team) clearly understands an old chestnut of marketing: When everybody else is zigging, you zag. I mean, come on, this is the most crowded, noisy,…
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Spare me your dystopia.

I get it. Things aren't all rainbows, unicorns and flying cars. Life is a struggle. Always has been. Always will be. But enough already. The Hunger Games, The Walking Dead, Doomsday Preppers, Left 4 Dead, Minority Report; a non-stop diet like this leads to mindless nihilism—or the necessary purgatives of Duck Dynasty, anything Disney, and K-Pop. Dystopias can be fun (Get the zombie, Rick!), but overdose on it and you're the problem. Suddenly every turban…
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People like p z l s, part II.

I wrote a post a long time ago (in social media years) entitled "People like p z l s." Its takeaway: that too many marketers want to say everything in every communication, but that it's more important to leave room for their intended readers to fill in the blank. A simple, brilliant example: -from the folks @ Ireland/Davenport, Johannesburg, South Africa The story of Vivian Maier is "People like p z l s" personified. Long…
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portfolio_Discover Wisconsin’s Next Host

25 year-old TV show. Host of 18 years goes on to bigger and better. So what are you going to do? Scour the state for a new one. The audition event and attendant social media marketing campaign resulted in over 400 user-generated video auditions, 65+ live auditions at Lambeau Field, and countless Facebook likes, retweets, blog posts, etc. And the result? The new host for the 2011-12 season, Emmy Fink. Creative Director/Copywriter: D.P. Knudten Art…
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portfolio_The Cherry Cricket

The Cherry Cricket is a ‘50’s-era gin joint located in Denver’s swankiest shopping district. These ads are just a sampling of those created for this unique establishment, and are great examples of how a headline’s tone can reflect a product’s core attributes while complementing the attitude of the publications in which they run (alternative publications like The Onion). The previous sentence is an excellent example of how a competent copywriter can create an effective rationale…
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True story: an employee of Briargate who was unaware that a new marketing campaign was being launched was watching TV the night this spot aired. Half way through she said to herself "this is the kind of commercial we should be running for ourselves." She was delighted when she saw the logo at the end, and that the spot captured the truth of this brand-new, old-style community. Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: D.P. Knudten Art Director: Greg…
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portfolio_London Bay Homes

A custom homebuilder for the ultra-riché, London Bay Homes needed an ad to run in symphony concert programs. My thought? The buyers for these homes travel in Gulfstream jets, not VW Jettas. Let’s make an ad that looks like it should run in Vanity Fair, not New Homes Finder. It’s also another example of how I think visually. Concept/Copywriter: D.P. Knudten Art Director: Rick Tackett Agency: Miles Advertising • Denver, Colorado
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portfolio_Ski The Summit

This is another piece from early in my career. The agency I was working at found out that the review for the SKI THE SUMMIT account was reopened at 1:45 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. Scrambling quickly, we put together a “foot in the door” piece with ad samples and broadcast reels by 5 p.m. This panel appeared on the outside of the box. The inside reveal said: “That’s exactly how we feel. We heard…
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portfolio_Alley Grant & Logan

I was out on my own for a number of years during the virtual agency gig under the moniker Alley Grant & Logan (named for my garage office between Grant & Logan in Denver). So what did I do during those years I was out on my own? Provide “big agency” strategies and concepts to businesses that couldn’t afford “big agency” retainers & fees. These pieces highlight my niche: high quality/low price. Creative Director/Copywriter: D.P.…
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portfolio_Discover Wisconsin

Longform? Not a problem. (from the blurb on the back) "For 25 years Discover Wisconsin has introduced television viewers to odd, interesting, delicious and delightful destinations and attractions throughout the Badger State. And now, to celebrate the first quarter-century of what has become the nation’s longest running tourism TV program, the team of storytellers at Discover Mediaworks has recreated the show in book form." "What makes Wisconsin Wisconsin? That’s the question this book was designed…
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portfolio_Breckenridge Ski School

In the best of all possible worlds, concept precedes execution. But as we all know, this is not the best of all possible worlds. Ever get one of those “here are some pictures from our library— can you write some headlines to match them?” jobs? This series of bus boards is exactly that: photos from Breck’s photo library in search of headlines relating them to their ski school. Copywriter: D.P. Knudten Agency: Wilson Lass Imagemaker…
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portfolio_Trail Nation promo

Check out this is sales video for a TV show concept called Trail Nation. We took the team to Ensenada for a five-day endurathon with Go Baja Ridin, a Baja California-centric motorsports tour operator. If you're at all interested in Baja via bike, you have to talk with Bruce / Bruno. (That's 10-time overall Baja 1000 champ Larry Roeseler popping a wheelie past me on the El Diablo dry lake bed at :32 and my…
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